Come join the OH for our annual Fall reunion. Come just for Saturday afternoon/evening or stay for the weekend at the Highland Center! See agenda below. **RESERVATIONS ARE DUE 10/10/19** Call for reservations (603-466-2727) Mon-Sat, 9 am to 5 pm. Use Group # 413289 The Dinner is on Saturday on 11/2/2019 at the Highland Center…
Steering Committee thisTuesday, 6/18, 6:30 PM, Blue Fuji, Medford, MA. Right off Rt. 93, with plenty of parking and access by pubic transportation. Please join us for our last meeting before we break for summer. Light agenda, tasty affordable pan-Asian menu, planning for Fallfest, scintillating updates. Young members especially welcome—come check us out!
SPRING REUNION May 18, 2019, at the OH Cabin Help us carry on Joe Dodge’s tradition of Spring “Brawl” at the OH Cabin – even if we don’t seem to get across the Ellis to play a game of ball anymore. Come meet old friends and new to share food and tall tales. The basics…
Here are a few dates to plug into your social calendar. More information will be coming as we get closer to the dates: Spring Reunion: at the OH Cabin, May 18th, 2019. Lunch, dinner and libations for a modest fee Oktoberfest: at the OH Cabin, October 12th, 2019. Help get the Cabin ready for winter…
Steering Committee meeting, Tuesday, 3/19/19, 6:30 PM, Blue Fuji, Medford, MA. C’mon down and help us discuss this year’s events, including the TFC 100th and our own Fall reunion. All OH welcome!
All are welcome at the next meeting of the OH Steering Committee on January 22nd at 6:30pm at the Rusty Hammer ( at 49 Pleasant Street in Portsmouth NH (at the corner of Pleasant and State Streets). The meeting will take place in the upstairs meeting room – there will be buffet food and beverages…
Steering Committee meeting, Tuesday, 11/20, 6:30 PM, Blue Fuji, Medford, MA. C’mon down and help us discuss next year’s events, including the TFC 100th. All OH welcome!
Join your fellow OH at Fall Reunion 2018 on November 3rd at the Highland Center to see old friends, meet new ones, enjoy food and libations, and reminisce about Hut Croo antics past and present! The program this year will include Croo members’ stories from the 40s, 50s, 60s – on up to today. Expect…
Help prep the Cabin for winter. Things get started mid to late morning, followed by a German themed lunch—usually sausage, onions, and peppers on rolls followed by German chocolate cake. Your help with light chores (screens, storms, cleaning windows) pays for your food. Dinner is sauerbraten, kraut, and strudel, with beer starting to flow in…
All are welcome! Join the Steering Committee for their next meeting on September 19th from 6:30-8:30pm at the Chen Yang Li Restaurant in Bow, NH. Here is the website for the restaurant where we will meet: Here is a link to directions to Chen Yang Li 20 South Street, Bow, NH: Hope to see…