revised minutes 12.15.20
OHA STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING, Tuesday, 1/12, 6:45 PM, via Zoom. Drop by and help us discuss purchasing land abutting the OH Cabin, plan events for 2021, and hit other topics of interest. Newcomers welcome! What the hell else are you doing that night? Full agenda, and minutes from the last meeting to follow. Watch this…
Do you like to write? You may be interested in submitting something to the Waterman Fund Essay Contest. Some past winners are right here in our ranks too!…/enter-essay-contest/ 2020 was an unusual year. A once-in-a-century global pandemic has affected almost all aspects of how we live our lives, forcing us to change how we…
Topic: OH Steering Committee Zoom – Dec. 15th at 6:45 PM Time: Dec 15, 2020 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) All members are welcome to participate. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 871 4174 2261 One tap mobile +19292056099,,87141742261# US (New York) +13017158592,,87141742261# US (Washington D.C) Dial by your location +1 929 205…
Hello fellow Old Hutcroo Association member! As the new year approaches, the OH Steering Committee is working on gathering input from you on how best to steer (see what we did there…) the OHA as an organization. Right now, we are in the process of gathering information from you on future lodging needs and wants.…
AGENDA FOR OH STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020, VIA ZOOM Members Present: Alex Ziko, Moose Meserve, Kim Schroeder Steward, Emma E.B. Brandt, Richard Stetson, Elizabeth Seabury, Stroker Rogovin, Carter Bascom, Phoebe Howe, Emily Benson, Brian Post, & James Wrigley. 1) Treasurer’s Report (Alex Ziko) Future dues notice season is approaching. The payment for the…