Present: Bill Barrett, James Draper, Sheldon Perry, Dan Racowsky, and Stroker Rogovin.
1) Treasurer’s Report (Stroker for Moose) Dues and individual donations are slower than usual, but due to a generous gift from the family of “Pemi” Bob Prescott, donations overall are above target. Cabin income is slow, but not significantly below historical averages. Expenses are thankfully also slow, due to road work being deferred to 2018.
2) Cabin (Stroker) Open invitation still stands to young OH to add more of their own photos to the collection at the cabin. John Thompson and Eric Gotthold to provide assistance, as needed. Stroker to work with Mike Waddell to update cabin procedures, rules chore list, etc. for posting at Cabin, PNC desk, website, etc. Updated signage should be clear and concise, and help users understand expectations and enhance their visits.
3) EOS Report (Stroker for James Wrigley) Thanks to Beth Weick’s networking and willing Y-OH volunteers, the OHA was fully represented at all major hut gatherings this year, including Summer Gala (Phoebe Howe & Jeff Colt), EOS Party (Emily Griffin), Fall Gala (Nathaniel Blauss), and EOF Party (Lorne Currier & Morgan LaPointe). Old guard Mark Hitchcock and John Thompson attended EOSP. OH representation at these events is an important component of our efforts to “put a face” on the OHA so current croo have a sense of our history and purpose, and how it relates to them.
4) Website (Dan Racowsky) Web designer Dan Racowsky gave a brief tour of the new website, still under development, to get feedback on design, functionality, and overall architecture. Suggestions included making it as easy as possible for members to contribute photos and videos, and including Ari Ofsevit’s map showing location of OHA membership. Committee agreed to make OHA merch available to the general public (subject to review). Taylor Burt has agreed to step up as our new webmaster and will be working with Dan and OH Brian Post to migrate content from the old site to the new. Expected launch date is Fallfest/early November.
5) Fallfest, 11/4 (Stroker) Featured speaker is Bob Proudman & possibly others, on “The History of the AMC Trail Crew.” Fallfest will also feature another Y-OH listening session hosted by Co-Chair Beth Weick, a live music jam, the premier screening of the Mizpah 50th and Lakes 100th Hut Anniversary videos, a report on the past summer from huts management, a report on the same from current croo; and short schpiels on volunteer opportunities for OH in the huts.
6) Oktoberfest, 10/7 (Stroker for Richard Stetson and Bridget Qualey) Bridget and Richard are planning to organize yet another fall work party at the cabin to get the old place ready for winter.
7) Membership Development (Stroker for Elizabeth Seabury) After speaking with Jen Granducci, Chris Thayer, and others, we fielded a number of constructive tips on what might attract OH with young families to family-oriented events. Jen suggested organizing separate events for families with teens and families with kids 12-and-under. She agreed to organize a winter overnight to Zool or Cata for families with teens. Chris Thayer suggested scheduling a family event right before a reunion, possibly a Lonesome overnight before next Fallfest? On another note, AMC apparently no longer captures “brick and mortar” of new croo; James Wrigley to research further and see if he can continue to share this information for our Croo database.
8) Croo Photo Project (Stroker for Beth Eisenhower & Sally Dinsmore) Thanks to the persistence of Beth Eisenhower, Lonesome Lake got its first-ever croo photo display this spring, produced by Sally Dinsmore. We also receieved some most welcome donations towards this project. The Greenleaf croo photos also made it in this spring, having been delayed last season.
9) 2018 Nominations (Stroker) After consultation with existing Steering Committee members, nominations for 2018 officers are: President (Chair): Stroker Rogovin; Treasurer: John “Moose” Meserve; Secretary: Tom Kelleher; Resuscitator Editor and Co-Chair: Beth Weick; Assistant Editor: Will Murray; Members-at-Large: Nathaniel Blauss, Jeff Colt, Elizabeth Seabury, Jenna Whitson Koloski, Eric Gotthold, and Grace Pezella.
10) Resuscitator Update (Stroker for Beth) Deadline 10/1; publication 10/15. New issue to include Hut Ambassador testimonials; bio of Fallfest featured speaker Bob Proudman, and reprints of articles from the Trail Crew Association newsletter.
11) Next Steering Committee Meeting: Nov. 14, Boston. Location TBD. Stroker 11/6/17