OHA Steering Committee
Meeting Minutes, June 11, 2024
Called to Order: 6:33pm with Phoebe on the gavel

Steering Committee Present: Emma “EB” Brandt, Jesse Carlson, Phoebe Howe, Al Kamman, Jared Liu,
Anne-Laure “AL” Razat, Lawrence “Stroker” Rogovin, Doug Shaffer, Kimberly “Schroeder” Steward,
Bethany “Benny” Taylor, Gerry Whiting
Steering Committee Absent: Carter Bascom, Deirdre Vander Schaff
Guests: Pete Church, Ethan Daly, Chris “Hawkeye” Hawkins, Bill Oliver (phone), Brian Post, Ray Welch,
Quorum established

Secretary’s Report (Jared)
Minutes. There were no additional edits to the April minutes.
Action: Stroker made a motion to accept the minutes from the 4/16/24 meeting, Gerry seconded,
unanimously approved

Bylaws. SC members received the edited bylaws on May 30, which required at least 10 days notice
before a vote. The edit changes the term limit from ‘indefinite year to year until replaced’ to staggered
3-year terms with a maximum of 12 consecutive years.
Action: Jared made a motion to accept the proposed bylaws changes, Stroker seconded, unanimously

Membership mailing. We have received 41 additional membership renewals since our last meeting, for
a total of $1,020. That more than offsets the $300 mailing that the SC approved in April. Jared will
follow-up offline with folks about sending another 1 or 2 more email reminders.

Letter from Doug Hotchkiss. Doug wrote to the SC, noting actions that he’s taking going forward. Jared
replied on behalf of the SC wishing him well in personal journey.

Treasurer’s Report (AL)
Last month, AL filed the New Hampshire and Jackson taxes. The OHA also paid for new t-shirts for
current croo, as well as half of the $1500 bill that we split with Gervais for road repairs. More to come
on that. There are no bookkeeper reports yet, because AL caught some edits that need to be made.

Cabin Report (Stroker)
The road has been repaired to just shy of the bridge. The big expense is still to come, with an estimated
$15K to be split between us and Gervais when the contractors are ready in a few months.

Gala (Phoebe & Ethan)
Ethan gave a warm and inviting presentation, and got current croo excited about the OHA through a
rousing reverse trivia game in which they had to ask him questions to win stickers. Take that Jeopardy!
AL and Ethan promise to lead their hairdresser and cavemen BFD in the future.

OH Ambassador Program (Phoebe)
It’s in process, and there’s already talk about having an official swearing in ceremony in the future! For
now, we may need someone to jump into the role at Madison this year in June. Contact Bethany if

Spring Reunion (EB & Schroeder)
There was a nice turnout. All playing cards have been counted, the mice evicted from nooks and
crannies, brush trimmed, and Jesse, Evan, and Maya led some trails work with Bill and Bob White. Gerry
commended EB for representing YOH. There was also a pre-event at the Shannon Door the night
before, for which 20 folks turned out, which happened indoors because their porch is not winterized.

Fallfest (Phoebe)
Phoebe is lining up lodging, menu, and a field trip. Honorary member nominations were made for
Nancy Ritger, Larry Garland, and Skip Spadaccini. If anyone has other nominations, send them to
Phoebe with the intention of confirming these at the Sep. 24 SC meeting. Stroker is coordinating a panel
of women who were pioneers in the huts to deliver the evening presentation (Miles Howard will present
in 2025). And Ethan is organizing a t-shirt display to include both official and unofficial t-shirts. If you
want to display a t-shirt, bring it to Pinkham, and there will be tags for labeling what it is. We’ll ask Brian
to make a photo record of these, too.

Term Limits (Phoebe)
Phoebe made a nice chart to track current SC terms, which the Secretary will maintain going forward:
Going forward, we’ll ask those whose terms are due that year to announce at the June meeting if they
plan to continue for another term. At that point, the President will appoint a Nominating Committee to
guide nominations for any available positions and officers.
Due this year:
Schroeder and Gerry all willing to continue serving. Thank you!
Stroker is willing to stay on the SC, whether as President or not.
Phoebe will regretfully step down at the end of her term this year.
A Nominating Committee was appointed: Phoebe, Ethan, Stroker

Merch (Schroeder reading Brian’s update)
Merch trickling alongside dues through the website.

Website (Brian)
Working well, cabin reservation system is fine, although there has been much current croo activity yet…
it’s early.

Hut System (Benny & EB)
Summer: The huts are all open and running well! Occupancy on the first Saturday was 82%, which is
great. Nancy Ritger announced at Gala that this would be her last year, and received a much deserved
standing ovation. Phoebe added how great it was to witness EB at Gala, and how good she is at this job!
Fall: Currently hiring.

Doug brought up the recent article about the AMC, which missed the mark on many levels.
Trails (EB)
See the update from Spring Reunion.

Resuscitator (EB & Ethan)
A call will go out around August 1st for articles and gormings ahead of the October issue. Among articles
in the works include something about t-shirts, farming, and potentials profiles of AMC heroes such as
Nancy Ritger, Larry Garland, Skip Spadaccini, Faith Salter, and Seb Venuat.

New & Other Bidness (Stroker)
OH Bill Johnson is once again planning the Ossipee Music Festival, 7/25-28. OH get 5% discount with the
code: CROO2024. Watch for a custom-made flyer from Stroker about this event!

The next meetings for 2024 are: 9/24, 11/2 (Fallfest), and 11/19.
Next Steering Committee Meeting:
9/24/24, 6:30pm ET
URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/3105879688?pwd=bW1NQUxnNUZPaURCdi9EdXBtM3hkQT09
Or Phone: 929-205-6099, Meeting Number: 3105879688#, Passcode: 780291#
Adjourned: 7:47pm

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