Minutes for OH Steering Committee Meeting,

Nov. 14, 2017

 Present: Eric Gottlieb, Bill Barrett, Doug Hotchkiss, Tom Kelleher, John Krol, Moose Meserve, Florence Peterson, Grace Pezzella, Stroker Rogovin, John Thompson

1) Treasurer’s Report (Moose Meserve)

On the income side, dues are on target for the year, although PayPal payments are slower than usual. Donations would also be below average if it weren’t for a very generous gift from Pemi Bob Prescott’s family.  Expenses are low primarily due to postponing road work to 2018, pending an updated property survey.  The bill for website development has also not yet been submitted.

2)  Cabin (Stroker)

Doug Hotchkiss made a thorough photo survey of existing signs at the cabin.  Stroker relied upon this to update and consolidate instructions for cabin use.  Instructions will now be consistent between Cabin, Pinkham Front Desk, and website information.  Committee voted to drop requirement of $20 deposit to check out the Cabin key as this is a hassle for deskies and is not consistently applied.  Mike Waddell suggested that we require users to sign a waiver instead, which would accomplish the same thing—a signature acknowledging that users understand the responsibilities and obligations involved with checking out the key.  Mike to advise on next steps.                       

3) Fallfest Report (Florence Peterson)

A good time was had by all.  Format, venue, and schedule seem to work well as they are.  Two buffet lines at dinner instead of one (by request) moved things along.  Featured presentation by AMC TC alum Bob Proudman was informative and funny, was well received, and attracted a modest number of other TC alum.  Young Members’ focus group, hosted by Beth Weick, came up with another round of great suggestions (see below).  Sheldon Perry did another great job organizing and managing the event, notwithstanding power-outages and road closures up to the day before.  Oy!

4) Website (Stroker & Tom Kelleher)

New site will feature names of all former croo, searchable by year and location worked.  Vetted OH website users will be able to contact other OH via website for contact info.  Members may make their contact info visible to others through various degrees of privacy.  In writing copy for the new website, OHA acronym will now be explained as standing for “OH Hutcroo.”  In order to encourage use of the website and content sharing by current croo, the Steering Committee voted to extend OH membership to anyone hired to work in the hut system.  (By-Laws currently limit membership to anyone who’s worked a season in the huts, and will be amended at the next annual meeting to reflect the change.  The vast majority of hires complete a season, so the proposed change will have minimal affect.)  Tom Kelleher will be stepping down as Webmaster, replaced by recent OH Taylor Burt.  New website will provide direct access to membership lists to officers for easier updating and info management with mailings, dues, etc.  New website will also feature: a voluntary resi calendar for the Cabin; chat rooms based on where people worked; OTC area for dues, cabin fees, merch, donations and other payments; event calendar with auto-reminder email function; easily searchable archives for photos, video, print, postcards, obits, and more.

5) Membership Development (Stroker)

Fallfest Y-OH Listening Session notes:

  • Change “unofficial” name from “Old Hutman’s and Hutwoman’s Association” to “Old Hutcroo Association,” in belated recognition of mixed-gender croos. (“Official” name

under which we are currently incorporated is simply the “O.H. Association.”)

  • OH Instagram account is a success, particularly among younger OH.
  • Encourage current croo to submit photos and stories to website, Instagram, FB, and Resuscitator by allowing access to first-year croo. Maybe designate a different croo member each week to play “editor,” to create current season’s storyline(s).
  • Encourage informal (non-meeting) get togethers in OH population centers, as college alum associations do, under OHA sponsorship.
  • Maintain member map on the website to help identify concentrations of OH.
  • OHA shirts and hats are popular. Keep ‘em coming!
  • No need to further emphasize that the OHA is inclusive—that’s been established.
  • YOH reps at Gala and hut parties is good outreach.
  • Age-specific events for families, winter overnights at Cabin, hut overnight before Fallfest
  • OH Ambassadors (and the croos they visit) could benefit from suggestions and tips on

What to expect and how to have a smooth visit.  Family visits encouraged, as is letting croo know when you’re coming.

6)  Hut Anniversary Videos (Stroker for Doug Shaffer)

Lincoln Benedict will be producing a limited run of DVDs of the Lakes 100th and Mizpah 50th celebrations of 2015, for sale to OH via the website.  Lincoln brought us over the finish line, with much support from Doug Shaffer and David Huntley.

7) Croo Photo Project (Doug Hotchkiss)

Photos of older OH will be getting a makeover, care of Sally Dinsmore.  She’ll be scanning and enhancing older photos now at the OH Cabin much the same way she’s done for all the huts.  Photos will be labeled where possible, with an effort to represent older OH who’ve given exemplary service over the years.  Photos will be mounted on durable backs and rehung with an eye towards efficient use of space.  Doug Hotchkiss has been spearheading the project and cost estimate of $850 – $1100 was approved by the Committee.  Approval also granted to produce a laminated copy of Brad Washburn’s Mt. Washington map and attach it to the upper bunkroom ceiling.   Greenleaf photos to be flown in next spring.

8)  Fallfest 2018 (Stroker)

Now and Then” theme suggested for the featured presentation, with 3 or 4 OH from various eras reminiscing about their life in the huts.  Hank Parker (Galehead in the 40s) has expressed interest.

Honorary membership for Bruce Sloat?  (Full discussion tabled for next meeting).  Cost of dinner may be a concern for younger OH, but many seem to supplement the happy hour finger food with brown bagging dinner in the lodge lobby, and recent croo can have their meal subsidized by the hut system.

9)  Hut System Report (Eric Gotthold)

Huts have transitioned to caretaker basis.  Late October storm mowed down a significant stand of fir at Mizpah, improving the views (and wreaking havoc on trails and campsites).  New applications for croo are up.  Lonesome croo room is now insulated, with a wood stove.  Lakes bunks and septic system are getting upgraded.

10) Trails Report (Bill Barrett & John Thompson)

Bill Barrett suggested patrolling Hall’s Ledge Trail this fall to address recent storm damage.  Will post notice online if going ahead with this.  Will Hutman’s Hustle (first and only held fall 2016) be held again in 2018, same day as Fallfest?

11) New & Other Bidness

Committee voted to establish Webmaster as an official, new executive position, in recognition of the increased importance (and workload) of web-based communications.  Josh Alper to investigate modifying the by-laws to reflect this change.  Josh also to advise on increasing the size of the Steering Committee from 11 elected members to 13, to maintain 6 members-at-large (a stepping stone for new leadership), given that the number of “officers” will increase by Webmaster and Secretary/Treasurer Emeritus (stipulated by current by-laws but not observed until now).  Treasurer will be retiring in 2020; best to identify his successor soon so Moose can mentor.                            

12) Next Steering Committee Meeting: Jan. 30.  Stroker to contact Becky Fullerton, AMC Librarian, to see if she’s willing to host at the new AMC headquarters, 10 City Sq., Charlestown, MA.








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